Inspiring children to find wonder and joy as they learn and grow.
"Nothing without joy”
Loris Malaguzzi
Founder of Reggio-Emilia Schools
St. Mark’s Preschool is a highly-regarded and Reggio-inspired preschool located on Main Street in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. We offer 3 and 4 day morning and afternoon preschool classes, Kindergarten Enrichment and a Friday STEAM (Science Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) Class, each with a unique, child-led approach.
We believe that children are capable of deep creative thinking and have endless imagination. When we let them take the lead with our teachers facilitating the process, the kids gain deeper insight and understanding of the world around them.
St. Mark’s Preschool is inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy of early education which encourages kids to explore their environment and to express themselves through the spoken word, drawing, painting, and many other forms of language and communication.
Our dedicated and highly qualified teachers engage with the students in a nurturing and supportive way. Instead of directing the class, they facilitate learning around topics of interest, they encourage interaction among the students and they document the learning for each individual student.
We follow the Illinois Early Learning and Developmental Standards to ensure that our curriculum and approach is not only inspiring but consistent and effective as well. These guidlelies are research-based and designed to support the growth of each child to their fullest potential.
Our projects engage learning.
Instead of a set curriculum plan, we develop projects which are in-depth studies of ideas in which students express an interest. These projects are open-ended and presented in a way which encourages students to explore and discover. Past projects have included restaurants, houses, friendship, the body and movies. Many of these projects include field trips, research and special speakers. All of the projects culminate in an exhibit created by the class of students working together. Writing, measuring and counting happen organically as we build and explore.
We use art to explore and express.
We believe that the process of art is more important than the final product. Our students are encouraged to use a variety of art supplies and to fully express themselves rather than be given instruction in how to create their art. When their work is complete, we ask them to tell us about what they’ve created. Their answers are always thoughtful and insightful. When students are free to create in this way, they not only produce beautiful art, they deepen their connection with the subject which they are exploring.
What makes St. Mark’s Preschool special?
Our activities enrich mind, body and spirit.
Our weekly special programming includes music class, yoga and chapel. These are all presented in ways which are developmentally appropriate and teach healthy ways in which to adapt and respond to their environment. For example, breathing exercises help in times of stress, singing helps students find their voice and chapel helps encourage a sense of gratitude for things tangible and intangible.
We see nature as a classroom.
We take great care in designing our classroom spaces to encourage exploration and spark imagination. We are very committed to explorations outside in nature as well as indoor activity. We’re very excited about our new outdoor classroom which we introduced in 2022. Weather permitting, we have our students outside almost every day of the year
Our teachers are the heart of our school community.
Our extraordinary teachers are part of a close-knit team who work together to make sure that each and every child gets what they need to grow. They meet every day and support each other with ideas for projects and support for encouraging individual students. These teachers also make themselves available to support members of our parent community with any questions or concerns they may have.
“I love having the space to get to know each of our students individually. It gives me the chance to make sure that each child gets exactly what they need to learn and grow.”
St. Mark’s Preschool Teacher

Looking for more information? We would be happy to offer you a tour of our school. Please fill out this form and we will follow up with you.
(630) 858-1020